Tuesday 28 January 2014

Capitalism- the discussion that needs to be had.

Capitalism's goal: profit. Decision makings drive when profit is the bottom line- what gets the most money. The idea that you can gain pass the station you were born into is pure luck or if you end up "studying hard" for that one idea which will end up making enough profit [without stomping on any toes of those bigger then you] to feed those above you and around you so you can have the left overs to trickle down to those who were in the station you were born in. Now both those instances the probability of that actually happening is pretty slim. Seriously before you defend capitalism through numbed minded insults do the math. There is no way for everyone to compete in this. It is a free reign freak show. If you have the possibility to steal the show or tip the scales in your favour who ever is above you will try their damnedest to snuff you out- the bottom line is profit- this is a pretty finite number to work with. If they created enough money to allow and support everyone who genuinely could be giants to be giants the dollar would lose its value. 

I worked full time min.wage [just under $8 at the time] splitting 1300 in rent+ utilities 3 ways and I had absolutely no money. I traded food money for activity money trying to keep a balance in there- scrapping by. That is the reality. 

Unfortunately Marxism got a terrible name from Russia, communism. Hitler furthered the hate towards this by promoting the values and disregarding the names. 

Lets talk about Hitler;

The anger and hate Hitler had for capitalism destroyed many peoples [the ones who are unable to rationally think about the ideas separate from how they were enforced] ability to see the ideals he preached for what they actually are, just destroyed them. 
He essentially went crazy with rage and killed so many people because he was right in the initial idea he tried to start with. Pettiness does not gain followers; hating a race of people which in is your own blood due to unknown factors and creating a war that killed millions because of this hate- all because of some dispute with his mother? or the jewish collectors didnt like his art work, this just doesnt seem plausible or even sane to think- its petty. Yet he got support from around the world even to walt disney- someone creating things with children in mind. 
The victors write history has never been so blatantly in your face than with that one. Jew was a euphemism in which is still used today for money hoarding [thus the blue eyed, blonde hair children you'd seen in concentration camps with a star of david in video from that time]. Hitler did horrendous, horrible things because he was that afraid of capitalism and what it would bring to this world. I hate his actions, even him as a person but he was right. 

An argument for "what is in a name"

Capitalism existed before present day- the system for slavery was the same as capitalisms system is set up now. The only differences- instead of whips, we starve. Instead of punishments, we ridicule. Instead of a hand full of people in golden/jeweled jewelery parading in their respective area.. well thats pretty much the same except there is technology bridging the gap. 
The idea of people plunging into chaos only exists if there is coveting to be had. Take away the idea of someone else having it better, replacing that with the idea of self importance [in the sense of you are a cog in which what you do does matter and does help everyone to survive as much as yourself] things could work. What about the lazy/no goods? Maybe they are like that because they do something rare- they think beyond existence as we know it. There are many wasted minds which eventually shut down due to their very skill being of no use in the world as we know it. It only takes a little math to see the dangers of living in a capitalist world. I say its a world unto itself because it is a delicate system and politics do matter when it comes to capitalism.

So we've adhered to Marxist thinking now?

No, by accepting this truth we are adhering to knowing that resource based thinking is how we will survive.

These Communist and Marxist system no matter how "higher thinking" they may be always fail, why?

Capitalism is a monetary based war.. or competition as it likes to be known as. The basis for a resource based system where we get what we need and enjoy each others talents in a shared community is not based in trying to win anything- how can  it win a fight its not participating in? Capitalism will crush its contenders, its systematically designed to do so, but it will also destroy itself- as we see today. Death Star would be the most appropriate name to call this system. The system shines bright like a star but it will kill us all.

How can it kill us all?

The consequences of profit for a bottom line allows you to completely ignore any and all other information which does not allow top dollar.

Can there be moral capitalism?

First off, by moral capitalism I am talking about free market with resources and welfare being top priority. To answer the question, only if the highest profit includes survival and resource realism.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Mental Health

We are living in an age where our observations are now growing ever so slightly deeper, societally. Before we would observe the colour of someones skin, the shape of particular features- now we have "grown". We are observing behaviour on a societal level. Oh and how quick we are to jump and label said behaviour.

To me it is simple. If there isn't a nerulogical problem, a genetic mutation [not variation], or developmental issues then the disorder does not exist. Dont jump to conclusions on me just yet. There are people with issues- real emotional "I survived this" issues. Because of having actual real experience [real doesnt necessarily mean good, keep your perceptive devices on hold for this] they have emotions and spectrum scales that differ from those who've lived lives in which sitcoms thrive. There is a stigma that has been created and attached to this slightly larger spectrum these people have.

Imagine no one ever scraped their knees, ever, and if they did- not one person would know about it because their knee would be hidden until it had healed [god forbid it scarred]. Now imagine you scraped your knee- you were in shorts and this was the only lower clothing option you had- you werent planning on scraping your knee- you may not of even known such things could happen/existed- so there was no way to hide this scraped knee. Sure you tried to put a square of kleenex on it and tried to pass it off as the next fashion trend- but you know that knee is scraped. And it seems people believe your kleenex story even when it starts to bleed through and you say you wanted a mishaped blob on it. So you go on and you notice that some other people have pants. As the day goes on you become more and more aware of these people with pants. And not just because you now wish you had a pair, no, now you're starting to notice the differences in reactions to your presence. Some seem to be equally as careless as the others who bought your fashion story. But others seem to have you pinned right away to what is going on. Their stares seem to become increasingly ominous yet not a single word is spoken. They ignore you if they do not know how to handle the information- they distance themselves if they see a chance in which they can be grouped with you [you knew johnny had a funny looking skin gathering on his knee- its starting to come together for you now] and they modify themselves into a per-cautious state whether for support or blackmail [their eyes will tell]. Now this one incident has changed everything you thought you knew about people- you are now living in a world inside of a world which cannot be shared without great scrutiny. Say this scrape left a unrelenting scar. You now have undeniable proof it happened- forever. Sure you do what every sane person would do and you buy a pair of pants or 30 of them. For the most part people dont notice the change but that is while you are you- as an individual. When it comes to social mingling and intimate moments these are forever changed- you may think of a game plan, or avoid it but either way it will never be as it would of been if that scrape never happened. So now you need to deal with this- just the fact that there is a difference in the first place. Something you need to modify yourself over continuously [you really loved shorts]. Your whole life now is compromise.

How do you deal with this? Well some just dont- they escape through various means- an addict of some form or another [some can be seen as more constructive then others but its always subjective]. Some learn a great deal from the compromises made- but they are now stuck on what they've learned and the guidelines society expects from them as acceptable- boxed in like trained animals. In the hypothetical I mentioned the very fact scraped knees are something to hushed about would be ridiculous to us but oh and the ruckus you would make by challenging the very constructs of what someone once thought was an ideal world. Granted it did initiate the growth of what we see today. In this hypothetical world regarding people who never will have to worry about a scraped knee again because they have had the worse already happen- some cope fine, as if nothing had happened- sure they feel mildly disconnected at times and once in a blue moon they may jump from on extreme to another but they will always remain faithful to their envy.

Now so far in what I have described I doubt you've thought ill of the person with the scraped knee [if you did, other than the ridiculousness of it all, then why are you interested in progressive thought?]. In this one instance a scraped knee is the worse of the worse for this person. When it comes down to an extreme low in their life you'd think that they would have the thought "well at least I didnt scrape my knee" but this is wrong. Not what this person is thinking at all. What is going through their mind is "and on top of it all.." scraped knee. This is normal- its what everyone goes through during their low points- but in this world a scraped knee being the worse of the worst once you get into this mind set you will not have the power yourself to just snap out of it. You need and what it is you need is at all times unavailable- this is how it feels. Some people cannot handle such a feeling, especially in a world where it is claimed that all is at your fingertips. The ones that cannot cope [through no fault of their own] will start producing behaviours which emulate fight or flight. The fighters will accept the inevitable- in the hypothetical world that would mean they would fall constantly- scrap themselves over and over to prove that it means nothing. The flyers they will revert into themselves cautiously avoiding all possibilities of falling. The path these people have started on is a spiraled path. If they cannot stop, which most cant [which makes total sense when it comes to realizing that in most cases, whether it is talked about or not, the people with scraped knees come from a line of people falling and some of the people in that line even went as far as to make other within that family scrap their knees to not be alone, and the skills to identify such situations or cope with them are not learned or passed down because they dont exist.] they will end up going into an extreme of the form they have been given through their fight or flight response. Some of these forms are unpleasent to experience beyond the person experiencing it but unfortunately as a society we are so emotionally shut down that we dont even know how to experience such things with these people. With, not because. We are diverting ourselves from ever feeling anything because "Its too hard" yet we pride ourselves on being tough? Where is this toughness- you cannot even handle a tear for the most part yet alone a full blown episode of this persons past yet you also pride yourself on being empathetic. So we've created a quick fix- drugs, simulated lethargy, because no one has time to fix the broken ones.. its disgusting..

Saturday 23 November 2013

U.S. + Canada

Whats with every sitcom from the U.S. feeling the need to take a stab at Canada.. the white house was pink.. we did you a favour lol as for separation our hands were tied.. granted were still paying up to 10 cents for certain lands to the queen-ouch, right.

Oh and dont get me started on measurement systems that make sense. 10mm=1cm 10cm=1d 10d=1m instead of multiple fractions equal an inch- 12 inches equal a foot- some how though you managed to land 3f a meter so there was some congruence.. at least a little proof that your measurement system was based on logic.. as in the metric system. And why is freezing point at 32- in what universe does that make sense? 0 means water will freeze- that makes sense on a planet which the surface is 70% water.

And to say all of this is proof of freedom would just be a bull headed explanation. Name a freedom you have that hasnt come with a big fight- like every other country. Do it. And on top of all of that you have them monitoring your free speech where a bill has been passed stating that if there is any anti U.S. speech they can shut it down... sounds like someone was talking to a certain communist leader for ideas to me.. lol

Man, the country's motto should be "Land of the 'cuz I said so, Home of the most painful decision making process known to man"

The sad part is we've adopted a lot of your crap and for some reason media is favouring a U.S. sympathiser.. If J. Trudeau was to run against that ass I hope he wouldn't end up a bait and switch :S

Friday 8 November 2013

Conspiracy Theories

There is absolutely no conspiracy to be had. Everything is out in the open, in your face, but littered with distractions. Capitalism seems to be what you are pointing at when it comes right down to it. To think that the world runs separately from money is absolutely foolish. Our world and everything in it is the product of monetary gain. There is no sense complaining as long as people choose capitalism as their strong suit. The methods people use to be on top of the world are out in the open. They are in your face everyday.. but where/when do you open your eyes? You as individuals are handed the truth time and time again but ignore it for safety of mind. Pay attention to everything- log it if need be.. you will eventually see the patterns emerge. If you are rational you have the skills. As one person nothing will change.. capitalism gives you the ability to be that one to change providing you help the bottom line. If you are able to generate millions/billions of dollars you have a voice. That is your worth in this world.

The focus on happiness is a distraction. Look at animals- they are able to just be as they are and be happy. Now we as humans are told that we are to question things [to be innovative if you're a thinker] or to make things work forcibly [if you just want to get through your day and enjoy life in the now]. Both of these lives have merit. They are enjoyable to a certain extent? Life will be as you make it- kinda. But then they have inequality monetarily because why? Because there is an image to uphold [after berraging and derailing most trains of thought when it comes to this question this is the answer you will end up getting]. So then we all can agree that such things are silly in the greater scope of things, such as, our world falling to pieces for oil [there are other sources of energy practically free but due to the bottom line they are unable to be used because they do not support the economy]. Mass depletion equals death.

If you want to know the answer to most of our present day mysteries- follow the money or, more specifically, the ability to generate money. It is as simple as that. The truths are in front of your faces- its up to you to pay attention.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

I too had a dream- literally

This dream rocked me to my core because after I received a message in the dream [as whatever as that sounds] I woke as if I was awake the whole time- it was my subconscious telling me i was pushing myself too hard. I asked about it in a paranormal light- that was met with self preserving ideals and it had me thinking...:

If its just a manifestation of myself, my mind is bringing to the forefront these things for a reason. Ignoring/dismissing them will only cause more problems later.. IRL there was a lady that phoned who is connected to the other plain stated that there is no such thing as the subconscious- I would have to say this is entirely not true [the subconscious is why things repeat- it has a title but that doesnt mean its something tangible. Frued just layed it out with functions- he never stated how it worked- there was nothing to disprove.. And if he stated how it worked then he was mistaken but that doesnt shake the foundations of the model.]
Anyways, my point I am not in this life for self preservation- I am in it for truth- so self preserving ways I will not follow because that rarely brings you to truth- it brings you to comfortability- I dont ever remember great progress being completed through comfort. And I wouldnt say there has been great progress done in these days by those who are in comfort, more destruction then anything. This is probably why so many people are adimit on war being the answer, where the truth is, it is uncomfortable dealings that leave people vulnerable which is the answer. And in this world that relies on vulnerability we would need to be equal within our abilities which is the case when stripped of the life we all seem to follow blindly.. And taking advantage of any vulnerability is what should be taught as disgracing our human race...

I wish I was born 100-500 years from now..

Friday 27 September 2013

In connection to empathy

If you can never change the past then why do they insist on people having mental inferiorities due to an accumulation of the past- even if they are handling it well. Granted the way of life society depends on is a trivial and lack luster for those who have large pasts but why are we condoning those who cannot handle seeing a bug yet alone not being able to handle ending up in a real situation involving human emotions. Why are we protecting the inferior instead of teaching them how to decipher and survive- are we trying to rid the world of impurity [meaning hate, violence, any outward/personal act that creates negativity really] instead of trying to unify the world.. one does not necessarily mean the other. Also as history has shown us the fight against what is perceived as impure hasnt really ended well.. it is still continuing today- we've taken a step toward unity in order to continue the fight against impurities but wouldnt a unified world be more efficient in said fight. Which through the steps we have taken to make that so has shown this- but what is in place to drive people apart is a greatly overpowering any thoughts of unity on a personal level [within each individual]- no matter how hard we try on a global level.. I just dont think there is a chance for unity as long as there is one higher then another or with the lack of proper teachings within schools. We have math, history, science- the important ones- but our language classes are severely lacking in the teaching of how to process words. They just have it set up "word-definition-use" they need a "reception" in there. In math we teach why an accumulation of numbers plus another accumulation of number equals what it does. Explaining the symbols along the way- why do we not have a class that does the same for interaction and deciphering. Empathy is not an emotion- it provokes emotions- it is learned- this is what would explain why you can have empathy in one area but not another.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

The female gift

You want to know why we are shut down as a gender. Its your innate ability to read other humans. We have a gift that far surpasses our own expectations. We can see into others intentions without trying- and we are actively trying to shut such a thing down. And why? because we would of been killed before- and now, well who wants to be the first to fuck with tradition. Know that you know- flourish in it- but do not expect to have this dream life thought up by those who do not have this ability or rely on this ability to not exist- traditionally these people would of been thought of as thieves and criminals but oh have the lines been blurred.